1.具备3-5年国际学校升学指导经验,有成功申请英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家名校经验。Three to five years experience as a counselor with university applications to UK, USA, Canada, Australia, etc.
2.本科及以上毕业,有海外留学经验和研究生学位者优先;Undergraduate or above, overseas experience or MSc has priority;
3.中英文流利,雅思6.5分以上或等同;Fluent in both Chinese and English, IELTS Band 6.5 or other equilvalent language certificates;
具有优秀的文书和沟通能力,组织和协调能力强。Excellent writing and communicatin skill in both English and Chinese; good at organising and corporating.